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HW® Kokeshi
Kokeshi Dolls Japan
 Originally made in Japan hundreds of years ago, Japanese Kokeshi Dolls have stood the test of time and still remain a popular Japanese gift today. A Kokeshi Doll is traditionally carved without arms or legs, instead of having a simple trunk with an enlarged head to imitate the human shape. The Kokeshi Doll and its variations were one of the most popular and have become a part of Japanese culture ever since.

HW® Kokeshi  Lighting 
 We inspired from Japanese Kokeshi Dolls. The classic look of  HW®Kokeshi  Lighting blends into a multitude of environments to help create a warm and rich ambiance, complete with easy to sanitize surfaces and sturdy construction.  HW®Kokeshii  Lighting owes its unique durability characteristics to  HW® PE Marble Onyx,  which mimics the warm, luxury and traditional look of Onyx Marble without the typical drawbacks such as Breakable, Heavy, Easy deterioration and it is nearly indecipherable from Natural Marble Onyx.